
I remember as a child, the first time I heard the term 'Elopement', I was intrigued. I already knew what a Wedding was but an Elopement sounded very Rockn'Roll and rebellious. A couple "running off to get married" sounded like so much fun, like "running off to join the circus!"! It spoke to me of going your own way, finding your own path and not being tied down by societal norms and family expectations.

Of course there's huge value and we understand the importance of a wedding that celebrates your marriage with your nearest and dearest with you, but I still think there will always be a case for Elopement. There will always be a couple for which Elopement is the right approach for them.

If you need your elopement to be a legal marriage, you will need two witnesses over the age of 18 in attendance and they can be anyone, for example your photographer and your restaurant/venue manager. The witnesses can change at the last minute too.